Shine the light of who you are…

Evening sunset across the lake through the reeds

Shine Your Light

Shine your light.

Shine the light of who YOU are.

Do not dim it for anyone’s benefit.

I spent too many years in the shadows of who I truly was. That is not living the purpose of my Divine path.

We are here for the unfolding of our Spirit. We are Spirits having a human experience.

Let’s experience it. All of it.

I do not want to get to the end of my life being a dim version of my who I could be if I just let go of fear.

If I just let go of the good opinion of others. They don’t pay my bills. I do.

I am the one who looks myself in the mirror at the end of the day, and will at the end of my life.

Reflect and shine brightly!


Congratulations to YOU


You are so magnificent!